Charles Schwab

  • The situation:

    The online world of E-Trade at one end of the banking spectrum. The mahogany lined world of Merrill Lynch at the other…and a man called Chuck in the middle.

    Evidently,all people wanted was for someone to actually talk to. Mr. Charles Schwab, the ultimate investment ally, was brought front and center to our audience, but not in the physical form of past campaigns. Instead, in everything Chuck stood for.

  • TTC was a multi media, multi cultural changing, multi category changing idea.

    And one that, you know, was pinned up in the offices of every competitive financial company in the US, and asked the question..”we’d like some of that….where’s our Talk To Chuck.”

  • Dog
  • Ca-Ching
  • Broker’s Kids
  • Gazillions
  • Rollover
  • Fizz